Kisiel, P. S. (2019). European Manchesters: Finding common ground in the industrial past. Beitrag in Narratives of Europe’s Shared Past: Between Singularity of the Holocaust and Totalitarian Paradigm, Brussels, Belgien.
Kisiel, P. S. (2019). Beyond the Textile Mills: Postcards from Chemnitz and Lodz (1880s-1980s). Beitrag in IX AISU Congress - The Global City, Bologna, Italien.
Kisiel, P. S. (2019). Neither Industrial nor Socialist: Rethinking the past of the former industrial cities in Eastern Europe. Beitrag in 2nd urbanHIST Conference, Stockholm, Schweden.
Kisiel, P. S. (2019). Likeable Pasts: Historical Urban Views on Facebook. Beitrag in Politics of E-Heritage: Production and Regulation of Digital Memory in Eastern Europe and Russia, Marburg, Deutschland.
Kisiel, P. S. (2018). Memory Landscape and a Redefinition of the Urban Narration: Lodz after 1989. Beitrag in (Past)Visions of the Future, Nova Gorica, Slowenien.