23rd IRS International Lecture on Society and Space with Guy Baeten, Malmö University

IRS Seminar – Registration
I register hereby for the IRS Seminar:


Privacy Policy

In order to arrange the event, we would like to save the abovementioned contact details for logistical and administrative purposes. Your contact details will not be shared with any third party. In order to participate in this event, we need your consent to store your contact information. Only with your declared consent you can participate in the event.

In order to inform you about related events, we would like to save your contact details in our mailing list. Of course, your contact details will not be shared with any third party. You can revoke your consent at any time. The Leibniz Institute fot Research on Society and Space takes the protection of personal data very seriously. We collect, use and store your personal data exclusively in accordance with the rules of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you have any questions please contact our data protection officer at datenschutz@leibniz-irs.de.

Note on photo and video recordings

We would like to point out that during the event we take photos and capture sessions with video and sound recordings for the purpose of documentation and publication within the media portfolio of the IRS.

In case you need barrier-free accessibility please contact stefan.lindemann@leibniz-irs.de


After registering you will receive a confirmation. The Zoom Meeting details will be send at a later point by email.


Referent für Forschungsförderung