Research Group

Creativity and Work

The Research Group is interested in the interactions between creative processes, work and processes of economic and social change. In this context, local manifestations of dynamics such as digitalisation, social transformation processes and increasing multilocality of gainful employment are investigated. The Research Group explores creative solutions in dealing with uncertainties in volatile labour markets, asks about the effects of social, organisational and technological innovation processes on spatial developments and examines new forms of translocal entrepreneurial activities. A special focus is placed on the world of work - whereby work covers the entire spectrum from gainful employment to intrinsically motivated creation. The Research Group is interested in novel forms of work in the course of the digitalisation of knowledge and creative work, as well as in dealing with the new forms of uncertainty associated with this. The Research Group develops courses of action for regional innovation and economic policies that explicitly cross territorial borders. The research contributions are predominantly located in economic and social geography.

Ongoing Projects

The project "Remaking: REmote - working Multiple impacts in the Age of disruptions: socioeconomic transformations, territorial rethinKING, and policy actions" understands remote work as a lever that contributes to shaping ongoing social, economic and spatial structural transformations. The project aims to create a policy-oriented framework that reflects the new and multi-layered realities of work and facilitates policy makers to pursue place-based policies that balance the opportunities and risks of remote forms of work, and to exchange practices to promote mutual learning on remote work in the context of disruptions and megatrends. more

In an era where digital innovation and entrepreneurial dynamism take centre stage, a deep understanding of the startup ecosystem in Europe is imperative. The overarching objective of this project is to holistically shed light on the intricacies, challenges, and opportunities permeating Europe's startup domain. Based on a tender of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, the project aims to craft an insightful narrative about Europe's startup ecosystem. more

Das Projekt befasst sich mit den Machtungleichgewichten, die mit lebensstilbedingten Arbeitsmobilitäten einhergehen, indem es untersucht, wie mobil Arbeitende ihre relativ privilegierte Position im neuen räumlichen Kontext der Ankunft nutzen. Durch die Fokussierung auf ihre sozialräumlichen Praktiken und die Aushandlung ihrer eigenen Position innerhalb des lokalen Umfelds, liefert das Dissertationsprojekt Erkenntnisse darüber, wie lebensstilgeleitete Arbeitsmobilitäten lokale Gemeinschaften und sozialräumliche Transformationen beeinflussen. more

In his dissertation project, Jonathan Hussels researches the construction of value in rural innovation processes. To this end, a social constructivist approach is chosen, which pays particular attention to the negotiation and contestation of value. more

How can regional innovation policies be developed in structurally weak regions that mostly lack a critical mass of actors, institutions and a "creative buzz" to generate innovations from endogenous potentials? The research project "Strong through Open Innovation Regions" aims to close this explanatory gap by systematically interweaving regional conditions (regional innovation ecosystems) and supraregional references (translocal innovation ecosystems). To this end, we are developing an original contribution to the conceptual sharpening of societal innovation capacity with the Social Open Innovation Region (SOIR) approach. more

The project investigates collaborative workspaces with social enterprises and their places in the local and trans-local entrepreneurial ecosystems. The study concentrates on the social entrepreneurship that happens in collaborative workspaces and employs the entrepreneurial ecosystem concept to understand the entrepreneurship process. The trans-locality of the entrepreneurial resources is highlighted. more

In her dissertation, Federica Ammaturo investigates the role of collaborative practices in regional development in rural areas in Italy, Germany and France. She pays particular attention to their added value for the regions. One of the project aims is to offer policy recommendations for implementing and developing more place-based collaborative spaces. more

CORAL aims to unpack the latent dynamics and impacts of collaborative workspaces (hereafter CWS, such as coworking spaces, fablabs, creative hubs etc.) in rural and peripheral areas and integrate them as development tools in local and regional policies to open up new potentials for socio-economic development. Whereas we have observed the rapid rise of CWS in urban agglomerations in the past 15 years, there is now a gradual rise of CWS in rural and peripheral areas too. The CORAL project offers specialised and tailor-made training to 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESR: PhD candidates), helping them to better understand and support the development processes of CWSin rural and peripheral areas and their wider impacts at the local and regional level as well as at the level of the individual worker and the enterprise. more