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Advisory Board and Network
The Scientific Collections of the IRS benefit greatly from their involvement and exchange in various professional organisations. These include, for example, the Leibniz Association's Archives Working Group and the Federation of German-Speaking Architectural Collections. The work of the collections also benefits from the advice and support of its own Advisory Board.
Advisory Board
The work of the Scientific Collections is supported by a six-member Advisory Board. In particular the Board advises and supports the Collections on fundamental matters and questions of strategic orientation.
- Prof. Dr. Harald Bodenschatz
Schinkelzentrum für Architektur, Stadtforschung und Denkmalpflege der TU Berlin - Prof. Dr. Dorothee Haffner
Lehrgebiet EDV im Museum, Studiengang Museologie, Fachbereich Gestaltung und Kultur der HTW Berlin - Prof. Dr. Stephanie Herold
Fachgebiet Städtebauliche Denkmalpflege und urbanes Kulturerbe der TU Berlin - Andreas Matschenz
Kartenabteilung des Landesarchivs Berlin - Dr. Hans-Dieter Nägelke
Architekturmuseum der TU Berlin - Dr. Sylvia Necker
LWL-Preußenmuseum Minden und LWL-Besucherzentrum am Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal
Archives Working Group in the Leibniz Association

The Leibniz Association's Archives Working Group is an association of around 25 archives within Leibniz institutes and research museums and organises regular meetings, thematic workshops and cooperation projects.
Dr. Kai Drewes (IRS)
Dr. Bettina Reimers (DIPF | BBF-Archiv)
Contact in the IRS:
Dr. Kai Drewes (IRS)
Federation of German-Speaking Architectural Collections

The Federation brings together around 35 institutions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland that collect, preserve and exhibit evidence of architectural history, exchange ideas and initiate joint projects.