

Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS) e.V.
Flakenstraße 29-31 | 15537 Erkner
Tel  +49  3362 793 0 | Fax  +49  3362 793 111

Management Board: Prof. Dr. Oliver Ibert

Administration: Jessica Heckel (acting)

VAT ID: DE153020939
Register of Associations: Amtsgericht Frankfurt (Oder), VR 3039

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This website's layout, graphics and other content are protected by copyright law. Exceptions are the press releases of the Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS). The content of these press releases may be freely used by anyone without special authorisation.

Responsibility for Content

Veronika Stumpf


Dr. Felix Müller

Graphic Design

Andreas Paßens
