
The IRS Research Support and Communication Department informs the media about current events with press releases, which are distributed on the IRS website, via an e-mail press distribution list and via the scientific information service IdW.

If you have any questions, please contact Felix Müller or Gerhard Mahnken. They will be able to assess whether the IRS has the expertise to answer your question and will put you in touch with the relevant experts. You are also welcome to browse our Expert Directory.

Contact for Media Inquiries

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The IRS Expert Service offers the possibility to find the expertise of IRS researchers sorted by individual fields of expertise and disciplines. In addition, all researchers are listed alphabetically. more infos

All the latest news from the IRS can be found here in chronological order from 2018. This includes news about projects, awards or important personnel, selected new publications, press releases and feature articles. more infos

The IRS maintains several publication series of its own. "IRS Dialog" is an umbrella format for the publication of research reports, working papers and policy papers. The magazine "IRS aktuell" informs the interested public about the subject matters of IRS research as well as its practical relevance. Together with other spatial science institutes, the IRS publishes the journal "Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning". more infos

IRS in the media