IRS researchers publish their research findings in international peer-reviewed journals, as well as in monographs, working papers, research reports, blogs and policy papers. The maxim of quality over quantity applies. The IRS is committed to the open access principle and makes a large proportion of its publications available free of charge. The variety of publication formats used at the IRS reflects the diverse specialist cultures and target groups to which the Institute's researchers address their work. Here you have the opportunity to search for IRS publications using filters.

The IRS maintains several publication series of its own. "IRS Dialog" is an umbrella format for the publication of research reports, working papers and policy papers. The magazine "IRS aktuell" informs the interested public about the subject matters of IRS research as well as its practical relevance. Together with other spatial science institutes, the IRS publishes the journal "Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning". more infos

IRS researchers publish their research findings in international peer-reviewed journals, but also in monographs, working papers and other formats. All publications by IRS staff are listed here, both by year and by publication type. The list goes back to 2015. more infos

The library of the IRS serves the specialist literature and information resource needs of the academics at the Institute.It may also be used as a reference library by external parties. more infos

Selected Publications

24. September 2024 | Selected publication
Special Issue on Social Innovation in Rural Development

Great hopes are pinned on social innovations in rural development. However, many expected impacts are insufficiently underpinned by methodology and conceptualisation. A special issue published by researchers from the IRS has now been published in the journal "Societies", which addresses current research gaps. more info