Jae-Young Elisabeth Lee
Research Associate | Economy and Civil Society

Jae-Young Lee joined IRS in February 2022 as part of the research area “Economy and Civil Society” within the subproject “Peripheralized Rural Areas: Digitalization and the Constructions of Space” of the DFG-funded collaborative research center “Re-figuration of Spaces”. She received her Master’s degree in architecture from Bauhaus-University Weimar in 2018. In her thesis work she studied the development of living typologies in the narrative of urbanization in Myanmar, where she works as architect and part of the local NGO Gyaw Gyaw since 2016. From 2018 to 2021 she also worked at PartnerundPartner architects focusing on user-centered low-tech building solutions. As a researcher she is interested in the interface between new and established spatial knowledge and spatial practices regarding building typologies in peripheralized rural spaces.


Ongoing Third-party Funded Projects

Digital (planning) tools are changing the way we communicate. While urban areas seem to process these changes without tension, tensions between digitalised forms of action and more traditional, analogue forms are assumed for peripheralised rural areas. These are the focus of the project. Using rural areas in China and Chile as examples, the project will examine from different perspectives of action and actors (1) which digitisation strategies have been pursued and which digitisation processes have taken place, (2) which changes can be observed in the actions of actors against the backdrop of the available digital technologies and applications, and (3) to what extent spatial constructions of rural spaces in the respective cultural contexts are changing as a result. more info

Ongoing Qualification Projects

In her dissertation project, Jae-Young Lee investigates how residents in mountainous rural areas negotiate the concept of "rurality" in the face of the commodification of rural spaces and urban hegemonies. The work is based on two field studies in rural areas in Chile and South Korea. more info

Selected Publications by Year

Christmann, G., & Lee, J-Y. E. (2025). Über Digitalisierungen und die Refiguration peripherer ländlicher Räume: Beobachtungen am Beispiel von Deutschland, Chile und Südkorea. In J. Kibel, N. M., S. Steets, & G. Weidenhaus (Eds.), Figuring Out Spaces: Über die Sozialität von Räumen und die Räumlichkeit des Sozialen (pp. 235-258). Transcript.
Christmann, G., & Lee, J-Y. E. (2024). Wie disruptiv ist ländlicher Wandel? IRS aktuell, (102), 24-29. https://leibniz-irs.de/fileadmin/user_upload/IRS_Aktuell/102/IRS_aktuell_No_102.pdf
Christmann, G., Dihlmann, C-J., Helbrecht, I., Kibel, J., Korte, E., & Lee, J-Y. E. (2024). Ländlichkeiten: Konstruktionen von ländlichen Räumen und ihre Refiguration in Chile, China, Deutschland, Kanada, Kenia und Südkorea. (Working Paper SFB 1265; No. 15). Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Berlin. https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-20609
Walter, J. (Producer), Hecht, C. (Performer), Lee, J-Y. E. (Performer), & Pohl, S. (Performer). (2024). Multiple Spatialities 3: Digitalisierte Räume. Digital or Visual Products https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGs2mHkcRl0
Lee, J-Y. E., & Lauer, C. (2023, Aug 21). Was beschäftigt ... Jae-Young Lee. https://sfb1265.de/blog/es-ist-meine-aufgabe-ebenso-dinge-von-mir-preiszugeben/
Lee, J-Y. E., & Sungwon Ryu (2023, Dec 1). Chasing the Elephant: "Digitalization" in Rural Everyday Life in South Korea. https://sfb1265.de/blog/chasing-the-elephant-grasping-digitalization-in-rural-everyday-life-in-south-korea/

Selected Publications by Type

Contribution to Anthology
Christmann, G., & Lee, J-Y. E. (2025). Über Digitalisierungen und die Refiguration peripherer ländlicher Räume: Beobachtungen am Beispiel von Deutschland, Chile und Südkorea. In J. Kibel, N. M., S. Steets, & G. Weidenhaus (Eds.), Figuring Out Spaces: Über die Sozialität von Räumen und die Räumlichkeit des Sozialen (pp. 235-258). Transcript.
Contribution to Forum or Blog
Lee, J-Y. E., & Lauer, C. (2023, Aug 21). Was beschäftigt ... Jae-Young Lee. https://sfb1265.de/blog/es-ist-meine-aufgabe-ebenso-dinge-von-mir-preiszugeben/
Lee, J-Y. E., & Sungwon Ryu (2023, Dec 1). Chasing the Elephant: "Digitalization" in Rural Everyday Life in South Korea. https://sfb1265.de/blog/chasing-the-elephant-grasping-digitalization-in-rural-everyday-life-in-south-korea/
Contribution to Special Interest Journal
Christmann, G., & Lee, J-Y. E. (2024). Wie disruptiv ist ländlicher Wandel? IRS aktuell, (102), 24-29. https://leibniz-irs.de/fileadmin/user_upload/IRS_Aktuell/102/IRS_aktuell_No_102.pdf
Digital or Visual Products
Walter, J. (Producer), Hecht, C. (Performer), Lee, J-Y. E. (Performer), & Pohl, S. (Performer). (2024). Multiple Spatialities 3: Digitalisierte Räume. Digital or Visual Products https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGs2mHkcRl0
Working Paper, Discussion Paper
Christmann, G., Dihlmann, C-J., Helbrecht, I., Kibel, J., Korte, E., & Lee, J-Y. E. (2024). Ländlichkeiten: Konstruktionen von ländlichen Räumen und ihre Refiguration in Chile, China, Deutschland, Kanada, Kenia und Südkorea. (Working Paper SFB 1265; No. 15). Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Berlin. https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-20609


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Jae-Young Elisabeth Lee in the Media

Ein Gefühl von Heimat
(taz, 12/07/2024)