Third-party funded project

Peripheralised Rural Areas: Digitalisation and Spatial Constructions

Research department: Economy and Civil Society

Project Leader within IRS: Prof. Dr. Gabriela Christmann

Project Team: Jae-Young Elisabeth Lee

Consortium: Berlin University of Technology (Coordination) Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space Free University of Berlin Humboldt University of Berlin Friedrich Alexander University German Institute for Economic Research

Funding Organization: German Research Foundation (DFG)

Duration: 01/2022 - 12/2025

Digital (planning) tools change our communicative actions: The data-based co-production of spaces with the help of digital media has a significant influence on our spatial knowledge and actions, and in this way creates new cyber-physical spatial orders. While urban areas seem to process these changes without tension (see SFB project "Digital urban planning: Planning action and material-physical arrangements", duration: 03/2018-12/2021), tensions between digitalised forms of action and more traditional, analogue forms are suspected for peripheralised rural areas, on the other hand. These tensions are the focus of the project.

By examining actors from planning, politics and the population, the project will look at (1) which digitalisation strategies have been pursued and which digitalisation processes have taken place, (2) which changes can be observed in the actors' actions against the background of the available digital technologies and applications, and (3) to what extent spatial constructions of rural areas are changing in the respective cultural context as a result.

The aim of the sub-project in the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) is to conduct comparative research into the processual reconfiguration of spaces that takes place in the course of digitalisation, specifically using the example of peripheralised, structurally weak spaces in China/Asia and Chile/South America. In both countries, data will be collected through meta-analyses, expert interviews, problem-centred interviews, and participant observations during research visits. Grounded theory analysis methods will be used for data analysis.

The SFB 1265 is located at the Technical University of Berlin and is led by Prof. Dr. Martina Löw (Institute of Sociology, Department of Planning and Architectural Sociology) and Prof. Dr. Hubert Knoblauch (Institute of Sociology, Department of General Sociology) as spokespersons. Also involved in the successful application for the second funding phase are the Institutes of Architecture and Urban and Regional Planning at Technische Universität Berlin, the Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies at Freie Universität Berlin, the Institutes of Social Sciences, European Ethnology and the Institute of Geography at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the German Institute for Economic Research, the Institute of Sociology at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and the IRS.


Lee, J-Y. E., & Sungwon Ryu (2023, Dec 1). Chasing the Elephant: "Digitalization" in Rural Everyday Life in South Korea.
Lee, J-Y. E., & Lauer, C. (2023, Aug 21). Was beschäftigt ... Jae-Young Lee.
Walter, J. (Producer), Hecht, C. (Performer), Lee, J-Y. E. (Performer), & Pohl, S. (Performer). (2024). Multiple Spatialities 3: Digitalisierte Räume. Digital or Visual Products
Christmann, G., Dihlmann, C-J., Helbrecht, I., Kibel, J., Korte, E., & Lee, J-Y. E. (2024). Ländlichkeiten: Konstruktionen von ländlichen Räumen und ihre Refiguration in Chile, China, Deutschland, Kanada, Kenia und Südkorea. (Working Paper SFB 1265; No. 15). Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Berlin.
Christmann, G., & Baur, N. (2024). Case, Context, and Culture in Spatial Research: A Conceptual Delimitation of Key Terms. In A. J. Heinrich, S. Marguin, A. Million, & J. Stollmann (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative and Visual Methods in Spatial Research (pp. 65-76). (Re-Figuration of Spaces; No. 7). Transcript.
Baur, N., & Christmann, G. (2024). Case Selection and Generalzation. In A. J. Heinrich, S. Marguin, A. Million, & J. Stollmann (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative and Visual Methods in Spatial Research (pp. 77-90). (Re-Figuration of Spaces; No. 7). Transcript.
Christmann, G., Sept, A., & Richter, R. (2024). Social Innovation in Urban and Rural Areas: Empowerment, (Disruptive) Transformative Processes and Impact on Community Development . (Societies, Special Issue). MDPI.
Christmann, G., & Lee, J-Y. E. (2025). Über Digitalisierungen und die Refiguration peripherer ländlicher Räume: Beobachtungen am Beispiel von Deutschland, Chile und Südkorea. In J. Kibel, N. M., S. Steets, & G. Weidenhaus (Eds.), Figuring Out Spaces: Über die Sozialität von Räumen und die Räumlichkeit des Sozialen (pp. 235-258). Transcript.