Federica Ammaturo
Research Associate | Economy and Civil Society

Federica Ammaturo joined the IRS in September 2021 as an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) in the EU-funded Marie Sklodowska Curie Innovative Training Network “CORAL”, which explores the role of collaborative workspaces in rural areas. Federica graduated from the University of Naples Federico II with a Master’s degree in Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning in 2020. During the Master's she attended a one-year Erasmus program at the Hafencity University Hamburg and completed her studies with a thesis on "Places in transition" between urban and rural areas in India through a research grant funded by the Italian Ministry of Research. Federica also holds a post-graduate degree in GIScience for the management of environmental conflicts and public participation at the University of Padua. These experiences, among others, brought her to join the CORAL ITN, where she is going to apply a critical approach to the role of CWS in rural development as part of her PhD research.


Ongoing Third-party Funded Projects

CORAL aims to unpack the latent dynamics and impacts of collaborative workspaces (hereafter CWS, such as coworking spaces, fablabs, creative hubs etc.) in rural and peripheral areas and integrate them as development tools in local and regional policies to open up new potentials for socio-economic development. Whereas we have observed the rapid rise of CWS in urban agglomerations in the past 15 years, there is now a gradual rise of CWS in rural and peripheral areas too. The CORAL project offers specialised and tailor-made training to 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESR: PhD candidates), helping them to better understand and support the development processes of CWSin rural and peripheral areas and their wider impacts at the local and regional level as well as at the level of the individual worker and the enterprise. more info

Ongoing Qualification Projects

In her dissertation, Federica Ammaturo investigates the role of collaborative practices in regional development in rural areas in Italy, Germany and France. She pays particular attention to their added value for the regions. One of the project aims is to offer policy recommendations for implementing and developing more place-based collaborative spaces. more info

Selected Publications by Year

Ammaturo, F., & Schmidt, S. (2024). Valuation in Rural Social Innovation Processes: Analysing Micro-Impact of a Collaborative Community in Southern Italy. Societies, 14(6), [76]. https://doi.org/10.3390/soc14060076
Ammaturo, F., Lazazzera, G., Stralla, A. G., Codato, D., Pappalardo, S. E., & De Marchi, M. (2023). Regione Artica ed attività estrattive: mappatura e analisi multi-criterio verso la definizione dell'Unburnable Carbon.. 93-101. Congresso Geografico Italiano, Padova, Italy.
Sullo, R., Mongiello, S., Barbaro, E., Iannace, D. E., Ammaturo, F., Pane, S., Famiglietti, L., Monti, J., Ventura, S., Vitale, V., Gallo, A. M., Festa, L., Iacovelli, G., & Petrillo, G. (2022, Dec). Give Back: Una best practice per la partecipazione dei giovani nelle aree interne. DELTA 3 Edizioni.
Ammaturo, F., Lazazzera, G., & Stralla, A. G. (2021). Arctic Region and Hydrocarbons’ Extraction: From Mapping to Multi-Criteria Analysis Toward the Definition of the Arctic “Unburnable Carbon”. Abstract from LANDac Annual International Conference 2021, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Selected Publications by Type

Journal Article
Ammaturo, F., & Schmidt, S. (2024). Valuation in Rural Social Innovation Processes: Analysing Micro-Impact of a Collaborative Community in Southern Italy. Societies, 14(6), [76]. https://doi.org/10.3390/soc14060076
Abstract in Conference Documentation
Ammaturo, F., Lazazzera, G., & Stralla, A. G. (2021). Arctic Region and Hydrocarbons’ Extraction: From Mapping to Multi-Criteria Analysis Toward the Definition of the Arctic “Unburnable Carbon”. Abstract from LANDac Annual International Conference 2021, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Article in Conference Documentation
Ammaturo, F., Lazazzera, G., Stralla, A. G., Codato, D., Pappalardo, S. E., & De Marchi, M. (2023). Regione Artica ed attività estrattive: mappatura e analisi multi-criterio verso la definizione dell'Unburnable Carbon.. 93-101. Congresso Geografico Italiano, Padova, Italy.
Other transfer publication
Sullo, R., Mongiello, S., Barbaro, E., Iannace, D. E., Ammaturo, F., Pane, S., Famiglietti, L., Monti, J., Ventura, S., Vitale, V., Gallo, A. M., Festa, L., Iacovelli, G., & Petrillo, G. (2022, Dec). Give Back: Una best practice per la partecipazione dei giovani nelle aree interne. DELTA 3 Edizioni.


Valuation in Rural Social Innovation Processes Analysing Micro Impact of a Collaborative Community in Southern Italy

MSCA CORAL-ITN Final Conference

ROMANTSO Creative Hub, Athens, Greece

“Tasting” alternative food systems development trajectories through collaborative valuation

Values: From theory to empirical examples in agri-food studies

SOWI, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Beyond impact evaluations: Discovering facets of value creation through Collaborative (agricultural) Working Practices (CWP)

Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2023

Goethe-Universität , Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Collaborative Working Practices in Rural Areas: the emergence of a trans-local community and the co-creation of value for rural development

3rd European Rural Geographies Conference

Groningen, Netherlands

Collaborative Working Practices in Agriculture: understanding their social and spatial value.

Convegno Aree Fragili 2023 Agricoltura sociale e lavoro nelle aree rurali fragili

Urban Digital Center Innovation Lab, Rovigo, Italy

Collaborative Working Practices: a conceptual framework for investigating their value for rural regions.

The Future of Collaborative Workspaces: A Multi-Scalar and Interdisciplinary Approach

Romantso, Athens, Greece