Lead project

Social Spatial Transformations in Berlin-Brandenburg 1980-2000

Research department: Contemporary History and Archive

Project Leader within IRS: Dr. Harald Engler

Project Team: Dr. Rita Gudermann Dr. Małgorzata Popiołek-Roßkamp Liselore Esther Durousset

Duration: 01/2022 - 12/2025


The lead project of the research focus "Contemporary History and Archive" deals with the world-historical disruption of 1989/90 in its political-social causes and consequences in Berlin-Brandenburg and aims to generate insights into three complexes of questions in disruption research. Firstly, historical research on crises and revolutions will be made fruitful for a deeper understanding of lines of continuity and ruptures in current disruptions. Secondly, the upheaval in Berlin-Brandenburg will be examined as a laboratory situation for patterns of action and forms of governance by actors from different political-institutional systems and the emergence of a "unification society", which can be used to study contemporary perceptions in such processes and their stages. Thirdly, the project analyses disruptions in individual spaces and related policy fields - such as housing or commercial development - in relation to overall societal change, gaining insights into different types of disruptions and their modes of action, e.g. in the release of potentials for new paths of regional development.

Photos: Weirdmeister/Eigenes Werk/CC BY-SA 4.0/commons.wikimedia.org; pixabay.com


At the turn of the year 2021/2022, changes in the organisation and direction of IRS research will take effect. They are the result of a strategy process ("IRS 2025") that we have been conducting over the past two years. As the most important change, starting January 1, 2022, the IRS will no longer organise its social science research from a spatial perspective in five Research Departments, but in three consolidated Research Areas. more info