Liselore Esther Durousset
Research Associate | Contemporary History and Archive

Liselore Durousset joined the IRS in February 2022 as a research associate in the lead project “Social Spatial Transformations in Berlin-Brandenburg 1980-2000” of the research focus “Contemporary History and Archive”. As part of this project, she writes her PhD thesis about spatial developments of commerce and industry in this region.

She first studied social sciences and humanities in Lyon (France), then sociology and history at the University of Münster, where she graduated. During her studies, she attended an Erasmus exchange semester at Vilnius University (Lithuania), worked as student assistant for different chairs of the University of Münster and for the professorship for “Sociological Theories” at the FernUniversität in Hagen.

Being particularly interested in the contemporary and social history of European cities, Liselore Durousset examined in her master’s thesis different factors explaining the socio-spatial segregation in Eisenhüttenstadt, the first socialist model town of the GDR in the 1980s. Prior to joining the IRS, she received a research scholarship from the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History in Potsdam for the preparation of a Ph.D. thesis.


Ongoing Lead Projects

The lead project "Social-Spatial Transformations in Berlin-Brandenburg 1980 - 2000" deals with the world-historical disruption of 1989/90 in its political-social causes and consequences in Berlin-Brandenburg. more info

Ongoing Qualification Projects

Im Rahmen des Leitprojekts „Sozialräumliche Transformationen in Berlin-Brandenburg 1980-2000“ des Forschungsschwerpunkts III führt Liselore Durousset ein Promotionsvorhaben zum Arbeitspaket Wirtschaft durch. In ihrer Dissertation untersucht sie, inwiefern der Systemwechsel sich auf die Planung und Praxis der wirtschaftsräumlichen Entwicklung auswirkte. Zu diesem Zweck wählte sie Ludwigsfelde als Fallbeispiel. more info

Selected Publications by Year

Durousset, L. (2023, May 15). Tagungsbericht: Transformations of Property in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe. Reconfigurations of Ownership and Alternatives to Private Property. Clio-online.
Durousset, L. (2022, Sep 11). Tagungsbericht: 17. Werkstattgespräch zur DDR-Planungsgeschichte, 19.05.2022 - 20.05.2022, Erkner.

Selected Publications by Type

Contribution to Forum or Blog
Durousset, L. (2023, May 15). Tagungsbericht: Transformations of Property in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe. Reconfigurations of Ownership and Alternatives to Private Property. Clio-online.
Durousset, L. (2022, Sep 11). Tagungsbericht: 17. Werkstattgespräch zur DDR-Planungsgeschichte, 19.05.2022 - 20.05.2022, Erkner.


From Berlin’s Industrial Areas to Business and Retail Parks in the Brandenburg Suburb (1980s-2000s). Socio-Spatial Transformation of Economic Spaces between Structural Changes and Transition of the Metropolitan Economic System

Making the City

Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany

Potential and Limits of Digital Tools in Historical Spatial Research. Reconstructing the Social Topography of the Socialist Model Town Eisenhüttenstadt in the 1980s with a GIS Software to Study Former Socio-Spatial Segregation

Leibniz R - PhD meeting 2023

Leibniz-Insitut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung, Erkner, Germany