IRS Dialog Research Papers

Research papers are published under the umbrella of IRS Dialog. They provide information on ongoing or completed research projects. Detailed data collections and final project reports are made available to the public.

Note: The IRS Dialog Research Papers are published partly in German and partly in English. You can find all issues on the German website.

Latest issues

Grafik: jan_S/

This report sets out how multi-level nature structures within the German state provide the framework within which cities develop and implement their climate policies. It explains how the energy priorities and requirements of individual federal states (Länder) have led to regional governments adopting different climate strategies, and how the various approaches of different Länder shape the context for municipal policymaking. more infos

Grafik: jan_S/

Structurally weak rural regions are faced with major economic and social challenges. In comparison to predominantly urban regions, they are economically less productive. They provide fewer desired goods and services and the labour market offers few career opportunities. Shops where daily purchases can be made are scarce, and it is challenging for the inhabitants to move around the region because public transport is very limited. Against this background, the respective regions have experienced considerable declines in populations and, in particular, a brain drain of the young. Downward spirals have been set in motion that have further reduced the number of economic opportunities. more infos