Third-party funded project

Urban Resilience vis-a-vis Extreme Weather Events - Typology and Transfer (Research and Development Phase) (ExTrass)

Research department: Politics and Planning

Project Leader within IRS: Prof. Dr. Kristine Kern

Project Team: Dr. Wolfgang Haupt Dr. Peter Mark Eckersley Dr. Stefan Niederhafner Janne Lis Irmisch

Consortium: University of Potsdam (Coordination) Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space Adelphi Research Potsdam Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. Remscheid Würzburg

Funding Organization: Federal Ministry for Education and Science (BMBF)

Duration: 10/2018 - 12/2021


ExTrass seeks to better prepare medium-sized and large cities in Germany for heavy rainfall and heat. To this end, restraining and enabling factors of urban climate adaptation are analysed and successfull measures are identified. A large part of the project work is undertaken in three case study cities: Potsdam, Remscheid and Würzburg. Here, among other things, the project team tests greening measures, works towards climate-sensitive urban planning, contributes data on city climate, educates the population on risks and improves contingency plans. In addition, opportunities for exchange are created so that cities can better learn from each other.

Photos: hcast/; Hans Porochelt/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0/; William Perugin/; Animaflora PicsStock/

Two New Articles Show, how Cities Become Forerunners of Climate Policy

Two new articles from the Research Group Urban Sustainability Transformations shed light on how cities are becoming pioneers in climate policy, both in climate protection and in climate adaptation. Instead of the metropolises often mentioned in this role, such as Paris, the authors take a look at smaller cities in Germany. In doing so, they show that even cities with difficult starting conditions can find their way into the top group. more info


Haupt, W., & Kern, K. (2020). Entwicklungspfade von Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung in Remscheid. Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung.
Haupt, W., Eckersley, P., & Kern, K. (2021). How Can ‘Ordinary’ Cities Become Climate Pioneers? In C. Howarth, M. Lane, & S. Amanda (Eds.), Addressing the Climate Crisis: Local Action in Theory and Practice (pp. 83-92). Palgrave Macmillan.
Kern, K., & Haupt, W. (2021). Von Reallaboren zu urbanen Experimenten: Deutsche und internationale Debatten. Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 79(4), 322-335.
Eckersley, P., Kern, K., Haupt, W., & Müller, H. (2021). The Multi-level Context for Local Climate Governance in Germany: The Role of the Federal States. (IRS Dialog; Vol. 2021, No. 3). Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung.
Kern, K., Irmisch, J. L., Odermatt, C., Haupt, W., & Kissling-Näf, I. (2021). Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Development, and Climate Policy: Comparing the UNESCO World Heritage Cities of Potsdam and Bern. Sustainability, 13(16), [9131].
Otto, A., Kern, K., Haupt, W., Eckersley, P., & Thieken, A. (2021). Ranking Local Climate Policy: Assessing the Mitigation and Adaptation Activities of 104 German Cities. Climatic Change, 167(1-2), [5].
Haupt, W., Eckersley, P., & Kern, K. (2021). Transfer und Skalierung von lokaler Klimapolitik: Konzeptionelle Ansätze, Voraussetzungen und Potenziale. (IRS Dialog; Vol. 2021, No. 1). Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung.
Irmisch, J. L., Haupt, W., Eckersley, P., Kern, K., & Müller, H. (2022). Klimapolitische Entwicklungspfade deutscher Groß- und Mittelstädte. (IRS Dialog; Vol. 2022, No. 2). Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung.
Huber, B., Irmisch, J. L., Ullrich, S., & Miechielsen, M. (2021). Förderung der Integration von Klimaanpassungsmaßnahmen an Hitze und Starkregen in die kommunale Planung: 21. bis 23. September 2021: Dokumentation des ExTrass-Workshops.
Huber, B., Miechielsen, M., Otto, A., Schmidt, K., Ullrich, S., Deppermann, L-H., Eckersley, P., Haupt, W., Heidenreich, A., Kern, K., Lipp, T., Neumann, N., Schneider, P., Sterzel, T., & Thieken, A. (2022, Nov 3). Instrumente und Maßnahmen der kommunalen Klimaanpassung: Empirische Befunde für einen erfolgreichen Transfer. Universitätsverlag Potsdam.