Study "Market-Oriented Social Businesses in Brandenburg – Accounting for of the Existing Entrepreneurship Landscape and Identifying Supportive and Constraining Conditions for Entrepreneurship
Research department: Economy and Civil Society
IRS Research Topic: Research on Innovation Processes New Social Practices
Project Leader within IRS: Prof. Dr. Gabriela Christmann
Project Team: Dr. Ralph Richter
Consortium: Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (Coordination) Social Impact gGmbH
Funding Organization: Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy of the State of Brandenburg
Duration: 03/2020 - 10/2020
Social businesses are increasingly recognised by policy makers, academics, civil society actors and the business sector. In the federal state of Brandenburg, there is a wide range of social businesses. Against this backdrop, the study "Market-Oriented Social Businesses in Brandenburg" provided the first structured overview of the current state, growth potentials and the need for support of social businesses in Brandenburg. The study commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy focusses on market-oriented business, hence, organisations which generate revenues for social causes by positioning new products and services.