IRS Fellowship Programme

Since 2013 the IRS has supported international guest researchers with an institutional scholarship programme in order to finance their stay at the institute. Even in the age of digitalization, excellent research requires personal contact and joint working periods; the "IRS Fellowship Programme" shall enable this intensive academic collaboration.

Target group

Experienced researchers with a PhD degree and several years of research experience, whose work is relatable to IRS research activities and to (at least one of) the research areas are eligible for funding. Researchers from institutions that maintain cooperation agreements with the IRS are preferably selected.

Terms and conditions of the scholarship

The duration of a stay at the IRS in Erkner can be between a minimum of one week (five working days) and up to a maximum of eight weeks. All scholarship holders are asked to present their current research within the framework of the "IRS Seminars", a series of lectures that are open to IRS researchers and external guests.

The IRS subsidizes travel expenses and allowance for scholarship holders. The amount of the scholarship is variable and will be constituted at the selection meeting. The following values ​​can be used for orientation: Travel costs within Europe are calculated with a maximum of 800 EUR and up to 1,500 EUR for guest coming from overseas. A lump sum of 200 EUR per week will be granted as allowance.

Application and selection process

First, please find out about the research areas of the IRS and contact the researcher with whom you would like to work. After this first consultation, we would like to ask you to send the completed application form and your CV to Stefan Lindemann.

The fellowship is awarded twice a year; selections are made by the institute’s management board. The deadlines for submissions are: November 1st for the first half of the next year (visiting period) and May 1st for the second half of the current year (visiting period).

Research Support and International Affairs