Dr. Monika Motylińska
Head of Junior Research Group | Contemporary History and Archive

Monika Motylinska is an architectural and urban historian, with an interest cycles of architectural production in 19th and 20th century in the ‚Global South‘. Since January 2020 she is junior research group leader and principal investigator in the project „Conquering (with) Concrete. German Construction Companies as Global Players in Local Contexts“ (Freigeist Fellowship funded by the VolkswagenStiftung, January 2020-December 2024). At the same time, since October 2019 she has been investigating the work of the Institute for Tropical Architecture in Tanzania and Senegal together with Dr. Rachel Lee within the framework of the interdisciplinary research program "Centring Africa" (Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/Canadian Center for Architecture) 

Between 2016 and 2019 she was a postdoctoral research fellow and Gerda Henkel Fellow in the research project on the GDR architecture abroad at the IRS. In December 2016, she defended her PhD thesis at the Technical University Berlin on handling the post-war heritage in Germany. For her doctoral research she was granted a fellowship by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (February 2013 till January 2016).

She holds a Master’s degree in heritage protection from the Nicolaus Copernicus University Torun and a Master’s degree in art history from the Technical University Berlin. She is a member of EAHN, SAH, EAUH as well as the Bauhaus Institute for History and Theory of Architecture and Planning in Weimar.  


Ongoing Third-party Funded Projects

Global construction companies impact our futures. Beyond the edifices and infrastructures they construct, they also fundamentally influence governmental development aid policies, or dislocate people to build a new dam, for example. Yet the role of these major global players and their persistent presence in different world regions has barely been reflected upon. Our project investigates how major German construction companies conquered markets and spaces, thereby cementing their presence in different regions of the Global South, and it will trace the footprints left behind, long after the dust of the construction sites settled. It draws on the observation that it is impossible to fully understand the complexity of the built environment in these regions without acknowledging and analysing the role of construction companies such as HOCHTIEF AG or Bilfinger Berger as actors, stakeholders, transnational legal entities and major driving forces in the processes of globalised construction business. more info

The joint German-Flemish-Ivorian project CTRAAF examines the genealogies, materialisations and legacies of various forms of transport architecture in West Africa from the 1950s to the 1980s. At this time, a large wave of infrastructure projects was being promoted throughout West Africa. Transport infrastructures were nation building projects. CTRAAF examines ideas and realisations of transport architecture in this context, as well as the agency and power of political actors shaping it.<br/><br/>Le projet commun germano-flamand-ivoirien CTRAAF examine les généalogies, les matérialisations et les héritages de diverses formes d'architecture des transports en Afrique de l'Ouest entre les années 1950 et 1980. À cette époque, une grande vague de projets d'infrastructure a été promue dans toute l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Les infrastructures de transport étaient des projets de construction nationale. Le CTRAAF examine les idées et les réalisations de l'architecture des transports dans ce contexte, ainsi que l'agence et le pouvoir des acteurs politiques qui la façonnent. more info

Selected Publications by Year

Adengo, D., Brisibe , W. G., Obagah-Stephen, R., Lee, R., & Motylińska, M. (Eds.) (2023). Archives 6-8 : Ephemeral Archives. In C. Lubell, & R. Ruiz (Eds.), Fugitive Archives : A Sourcebook for Centring Africa in Histories of Architecture (pp. 156-225). Canadian Centre for Architecture.
Motylińska, M., & Verlaan, T. (2023). Architects as Global Entrepreneurs in the long 20th Century – Introduction. Architectural Histories, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.16995/ah.8777
Bernhardt, C., & Motylińska, M. (2023). Global Entanglements of Socialist Architecture and Planning in the Cold War Period: Approaches and Perspectives. In C. Bernhardt, A. Butter, & M. Motylinska (Eds.), Between Solidarity and Economic Constraints: Global Entanglements in Socialist Architecture and Planning in the Cold War Period (pp. 1-18). (Rethinking the Cold War; Vol. 12). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110658491-001
Bernhardt, C., Butter, A., & Motylińska, M. (Eds.) (2023). Between Solidarity and Economic Constraints: Global Entanglements in Socialist Architecture and Planning in the Cold War Period. (Rethinking the Cold War; Vol. 12). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110658491
Motylinska, M. (2022). A Cuban Nickel Plant made in the GDR? The Architecture of a Comecon Joint Venture. In C. Bernhardt, A. Butter, & M. Motylinska (Eds.), Between Solidarity and Economic Constraints: Global Entanglements in Socialist Architecture and Planning in the Cold War Period (pp. 103-122). (Rethinking the Cold War; Vol. 12). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110658491-005
Motylińska, M. (2022). Philipp Meuser and Adil Dalbai (eds.), Architectural Guide Sub-Saharan Africa. Architecture Beyond Europe, 2022(20). https://doi.org/10.4000/abe.13452
Motylińska, M., & Phan, P. (2022). Nicht der übliche Weg? Der Beitrag eines ostdeutschen Ehepaars zur Planung der äthiopischen Hauptstadt. In A. Butter, & T. Flierl (Eds.), Der Architekturexport der DDR: Zwischen Sansibar und Halensee (pp. 190-209). (Gegenstand und Raum, Neue Folge; No. 3). Lukas.
Motylińska, M., & Verlaan, T. (2022). Architects as Global Entrepreneurs (1850-2000). (Architectural Histories; Vol. Vol. 9-10). https://journal.eahn.org/collections/806/
Fivez, R., & Motylińska, M. (2022). Cement as Weapon. Meta-Infrastructure in the ‘World’s Last Cement Frontier’. In J. Heathcott (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Infrastructure Design: Global Perspectives from Architectural History (pp. 40-50). (Routledge International Handbooks). Routledge.
Lee, R., Mkony, A., & Motylinska, M. (2021, Apr 15). Foreign Bodies, Three Hills, and a Hospital. https://www.cca.qc.ca/en/articles/78984/foreign-bodies-three-hills-and-a-hospital
Fenk, A., Lee, R., & Motylinska, M. (2020). Unlikely Collaborations? Planning Experts from Both Sides of the Iron Curtain and the Making of Abuja. Comparativ, 30(1/2), 38–58. https://doi.org/10.26014/j.comp.2020.01-02.03
Høghøj, M., & Motylinska, M. (Eds.) (2020). Spaces of Fear / Angsträume. (Moderne Stadtgeschichte; Vol. 2020, No. 1).
Motylinska, M., & Phan, P. (2020). "Not the usual Way?": On the Involvement of an East German Couple with the Planning of the Ethiopian Capital. Architecture Beyond Europe, 2019(16). https://doi.org/10.4000/abe.6997
Motylinska, M. (2020). Simone Tulumello, Fear, Space and Urban Planning. A Critical Perspective from Southern Europe, New York 2016. Moderne Stadtgeschichte, 2020(1), 82-85.
Motylinska, M., & Høghøj, M. (2020). Spaces of Fear in European Cities of the 20th Century / Angsträume in den europäischen Städten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Moderne Stadtgeschichte, 2020(1), 6-12.
Bernhardt, C., Butter, A., Motylinska, M., & Burckhardt, D. (2019, May 15). Architekturprojekte der DDR im Ausland: Bauten, Akteure und kulturelle Transferprozesse. Onlinedatenbank zum Architekturexport der DDR. http://ddr-planungsgeschichte.de/auslandsprojekte/
Motylinska, M. (2018). Communicating Unwanted Heritage? The Case of the Technisches Rathaus in Frankfurt am Main. In R. Lee, D. Barbé, & P. Misselwitz (Eds.), Things don't really exist until you give them a name : unpacking urban heritage (pp. 258-265). Mkuki Na Nyota. https://urbannarratives.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/28/2018/03/things-dont-really-exist_contents.pdf
Motylinska, M. (2016). ‚Ape Rock’ or an Icon of Brutalist Architecture in Germany? In A. Tostoes, & Z. Ferreira (Eds.), Adaptive Reuse: The Modern Movement towards the Future (pp. 444-450). Docomomo International.
Motylinska, M. (2016). A „Concrete Ghetto“ or a „Prime Example with Blemishes“? On Reputation of the Housing Estate Emmertsgrund in Germany. Paper presented at Reinterpreting Cities : International Conference on Urban History, Helsinki, Finland.

Selected Publications by Type

Bernhardt, C., Butter, A., & Motylińska, M. (Eds.) (2023). Between Solidarity and Economic Constraints: Global Entanglements in Socialist Architecture and Planning in the Cold War Period. (Rethinking the Cold War; Vol. 12). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110658491
Journal Issue / Special Issue
Motylińska, M., & Verlaan, T. (2022). Architects as Global Entrepreneurs (1850-2000). (Architectural Histories; Vol. Vol. 9-10). https://journal.eahn.org/collections/806/
Høghøj, M., & Motylinska, M. (Eds.) (2020). Spaces of Fear / Angsträume. (Moderne Stadtgeschichte; Vol. 2020, No. 1).
Journal Article
Motylińska, M., & Verlaan, T. (2023). Architects as Global Entrepreneurs in the long 20th Century – Introduction. Architectural Histories, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.16995/ah.8777
Fenk, A., Lee, R., & Motylinska, M. (2020). Unlikely Collaborations? Planning Experts from Both Sides of the Iron Curtain and the Making of Abuja. Comparativ, 30(1/2), 38–58. https://doi.org/10.26014/j.comp.2020.01-02.03
Motylinska, M., & Phan, P. (2020). "Not the usual Way?": On the Involvement of an East German Couple with the Planning of the Ethiopian Capital. Architecture Beyond Europe, 2019(16). https://doi.org/10.4000/abe.6997
Motylinska, M., & Høghøj, M. (2020). Spaces of Fear in European Cities of the 20th Century / Angsträume in den europäischen Städten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Moderne Stadtgeschichte, 2020(1), 6-12.
Contribution to Anthology
Adengo, D., Brisibe , W. G., Obagah-Stephen, R., Lee, R., & Motylińska, M. (Eds.) (2023). Archives 6-8 : Ephemeral Archives. In C. Lubell, & R. Ruiz (Eds.), Fugitive Archives : A Sourcebook for Centring Africa in Histories of Architecture (pp. 156-225). Canadian Centre for Architecture.
Bernhardt, C., & Motylińska, M. (2023). Global Entanglements of Socialist Architecture and Planning in the Cold War Period: Approaches and Perspectives. In C. Bernhardt, A. Butter, & M. Motylinska (Eds.), Between Solidarity and Economic Constraints: Global Entanglements in Socialist Architecture and Planning in the Cold War Period (pp. 1-18). (Rethinking the Cold War; Vol. 12). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110658491-001
Motylinska, M. (2022). A Cuban Nickel Plant made in the GDR? The Architecture of a Comecon Joint Venture. In C. Bernhardt, A. Butter, & M. Motylinska (Eds.), Between Solidarity and Economic Constraints: Global Entanglements in Socialist Architecture and Planning in the Cold War Period (pp. 103-122). (Rethinking the Cold War; Vol. 12). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110658491-005
Motylińska, M., & Phan, P. (2022). Nicht der übliche Weg? Der Beitrag eines ostdeutschen Ehepaars zur Planung der äthiopischen Hauptstadt. In A. Butter, & T. Flierl (Eds.), Der Architekturexport der DDR: Zwischen Sansibar und Halensee (pp. 190-209). (Gegenstand und Raum, Neue Folge; No. 3). Lukas.
Fivez, R., & Motylińska, M. (2022). Cement as Weapon. Meta-Infrastructure in the ‘World’s Last Cement Frontier’. In J. Heathcott (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Infrastructure Design: Global Perspectives from Architectural History (pp. 40-50). (Routledge International Handbooks). Routledge.
Motylinska, M. (2018). Communicating Unwanted Heritage? The Case of the Technisches Rathaus in Frankfurt am Main. In R. Lee, D. Barbé, & P. Misselwitz (Eds.), Things don't really exist until you give them a name : unpacking urban heritage (pp. 258-265). Mkuki Na Nyota. https://urbannarratives.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/28/2018/03/things-dont-really-exist_contents.pdf
Motylinska, M. (2017). Radikal berlinisch? Die Diskussionen über den Umgang mit der Architektur der 1960er Jahre bis zur Jahrtausendwende . In K. Wittmann-Englert (Ed.), Verflechtungen: Berlin in der Architektur der 1960er Jahre (pp. 71-80). Wüstenrot-Stiftung. https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/bitstream/handle/18452/18799/Verflechtungen%20Berlin%20in%20der%20Architektur%20der%201960er%20Jahre%20Kerstin%20Wittmann-Englert%20150dpi.pdf?sequence=1
Motylinska, M. (2016). ‚Ape Rock’ or an Icon of Brutalist Architecture in Germany? In A. Tostoes, & Z. Ferreira (Eds.), Adaptive Reuse: The Modern Movement towards the Future (pp. 444-450). Docomomo International.
Conference Paper
Motylinska, M. (2016). A „Concrete Ghetto“ or a „Prime Example with Blemishes“? On Reputation of the Housing Estate Emmertsgrund in Germany. Paper presented at Reinterpreting Cities : International Conference on Urban History, Helsinki, Finland.
Contribution to Forum or Blog
Bernhardt, C., Butter, A., Motylinska, M., & Burckhardt, D. (2019, May 15). Architekturprojekte der DDR im Ausland: Bauten, Akteure und kulturelle Transferprozesse. Onlinedatenbank zum Architekturexport der DDR. http://ddr-planungsgeschichte.de/auslandsprojekte/
Motylinska, M. (2017, Aug 18). A Failure Upon Completion: Heidelberg's 'Concrete Ghetto' Still Stands 45 Years On. https://www.failedarchitecture.com/a-failure-upon-completion-heidelbergs-concrete-ghetto-still-stands-45-years-on/
Other transfer publication
Lee, R., Mkony, A., & Motylinska, M. (2021, Apr 15). Foreign Bodies, Three Hills, and a Hospital. https://www.cca.qc.ca/en/articles/78984/foreign-bodies-three-hills-and-a-hospital
Review in Journal
Motylińska, M. (2022). Philipp Meuser and Adil Dalbai (eds.), Architectural Guide Sub-Saharan Africa. Architecture Beyond Europe, 2022(20). https://doi.org/10.4000/abe.13452
Motylinska, M. (2020). Simone Tulumello, Fear, Space and Urban Planning. A Critical Perspective from Southern Europe, New York 2016. Moderne Stadtgeschichte, 2020(1), 82-85.


Agents of neocolonialism?

International Congress on Colonial and Postcolonial Landscapes

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lissabon, Portugal

Joburg Gen: Hohenheim | Hochtief | CMJAH – Tracing Urban Healthscapes of Johannesburg

ArchHiv. Archéologie du VIH à Paris. Espaces, mémoires et séquences virales autour de l’ancien Hôpital Claude Bernard

Sciences Po, Paris, France

Trajectories of German Expertise in Nigeria

Producción de infraestructura

Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Stories of (Dis)connection – Investigating Spaces of Infrastructure


Conquering (with) Concrete. German Construction Companies as Local Players in Global Contexts


Unpacking Overseas Construction

Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) 75th Annual Conference 2022

Pittsburgh, United States

(Dis)Connecting Elements. A Vivisection of Ebute-Ero in Lagos

Material Assemblages

Herrenhausen Palace, Hannover, Germany

Selling Tropical Architecture? German Networks of Planning for the Tropics in the 1930s and post-1945

Architectures of Colonialism

BTU Cottbus, Cottbus/online

Cementing the Ties: ZAB, CMEA and the Architecture of Multilateralism in Syria and Ethiopia

EAHN Conference 2021

Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

(Re)Constructing German Colonial Capitalism from its Margins: German Companies in Liberia

Colonial Capitalism in Action

Universität Hamburg, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hamburg, Germany

Post Wall Heritage - Zum Umgang mit der DDR-Architektur in den 90 Jahren

Architekturdiskurse der 90er Jahre in Berlin

Kunsthochschule Weißensee, Berlin

Botschaften der DDR – eine architekturhistorische Perspektive


A Success Story? On the GDR Export of Cement Plants

Exporting Socialism, Making Business? Intercultural Transfer, Circulation and Appropriations of Architecture in the Cold War Period

Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung, Erkner, Germany

Striving for Recognition - GDR Embassies from the 1950s and 1960s

71st Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians 2018

St. Paul, United States

Architekturprojekte der DDR im Ausland: Bauten, Akteure, kulturelle Transferprozesse

15. Werkstattgespräch zur DDR-Planungsgeschichte

IRS Erkner, Erkner , Germany

The COMECON and Knowledge Production in the Fields of Architecture and Town Planning

Spaces of Interaction between the Socialist Camp and the Global South: Knowledge Production, Trade, and Scientific-Technical Cooperation in the Cold War Era

Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

Excluded from the Canon of the Postwar Modernism in Germany?: On Handling the Architectural Heritage from the 1950s and 1960s

Canonization of Modernism

Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Germany

In Search of a Better World?: Migrations of Modernist Architects from the GDR to Latin America

19. International Conference of the Modernist Studies Association (MSA)

Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Germany

Seeking Recognition, Making Business.: The Export of GDR Architecture

Export of Architecture in the Cold War Period: Projects, Actors and Cultural Transfers

Erkner, Erkner, Germany

How Much Rebuilding?: On Handling the Postwar Modernist Architecture

Umbauten zwischen Funktionswandel und weltanschaulicher Anpassung

Cottbus, Cottbus, Germany

Communicating Unwanted Heritage?

International Conference Urban Heritage Activism

Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Towards the 'World Niveau': Architectural Export of the GDR: Path, Results und Repercussions

Migration und Baukultur von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart

Erkner, Erkner, Germany

‚Ape Rock’ or an Icon of Brutalist Architecture in Germany?

Adaptive Re-use. The Modern Movement Towards the Future

Lissabon, Portugal, Lissabon, Portugal, Portugal

A „Concrete Ghetto“ or a „Prime Example with Blemishes“?: On Reputation of the Housing Estate Emmertsgrund in Germany

Reinterpreting Cities : International Conference on Urban History

Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland


  • University Félix Houphouët-Boigny (External organisation)

  • Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur und Planung (External organisation)

  • Society of Architectural Historians (External organisation)

  • European Architectural History Network (External organisation)

  • DFG Network "Post-Colonial Business History" (External organisation)

Dr. Monika Motylińska in the Media

Neue Freigeist Fellowships
(Bio Spektrum, 11/01/2019)
Export-Hit Zementanlagen
(Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, 04/27/2019)