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Leibniz R Network Initiates Journalist in Residence Programme

Media professionals interested in the development of cities, villages and regions now have the opportunity to work for two months at a spatial research-oriented Leibniz institute on a topic of their choice. They have the resources of the institution at their disposal for research. In addition, they can get to know spatial research activities from the inside in close exchange with scientists. The work is remunerated by a scholarship funded by the Leibniz Association. The first host institution is the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL) in Hanover.
The Leibniz research network "Spatial Knowledge for Society and the Environment - Leibniz R" analyses social, ecological and economic processes and their interactions in their spatial contexts. It shows spatial options for action and contributes to anchoring spatial knowledge more broadly in society and politics and making it more usable. In autumn 2022, the network will launch a multi-year Journalist in Residence programme, which will enable journalists interested in spatial development issues to conduct research on a topic of their choice at a Leibniz institution and to engage in close exchange with researchers.
The Leibniz R Journalist in Residence Fellowship offers (science) journalists with a focus on urban, rural and regional development issues a guest stay of up to two months at an institution of the research network. For a stay of up to eight weeks, Leibniz R gives journalists the opportunity to conduct research on a project of their choice related to spatial science. The allowance is 4,000 € per month, and material costs are reimbursed up to a total of 2,000 €.
The host for the current call is the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL). The ARL provides a workspace in its office and access to all available research sources. It also facilitates exchange with researchers and participation in internal and public events. A central element of the exchange between journalism and science will be a workshop on a topic of the Fellow's choice at the interface between media and science for the young scientists of the network.
Applications can be submitted to Carolin Pleines until 1 October 2022.
In 2023, the IRS will act as host institution.