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Evolving southern European housing regimes: some insights in the Italian context by looking at the Milan's case
IRS Seminar with Alessandro Coppola | Assistant Professor in Urban Planning at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies at Politecnico di Milano

Italy has been long-time considered the poster child of the southern-European housing regimes, featuring high homeownership rates, relevant housing informality practices, the centrality of families and the residualisation of public housing. 20-year-long stagnation and austerity have not changed these fundamental features, as the state increasingly strengthened its nature as a real-estate state both as a privatizater and developer of its own assets and as an enabler of individual property through mortgage deductions, de-taxation of all primary residences, lower taxes on inter-generational transfers and massive fiscal credits for the retrofitting of both primary and secondary homes. After sketching this broader context, the seminar will address housing issues in the urban area of Milan while presenting the goals and methodologies of the recently initiated MetroMosaic research project focusing on the drivers and factors of residential mobility in that metropolitan region. of life and space, and urban inequalities.
Alessandro Coppola is Assistant Professor in urban planning at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies at Politecnico di Milano. His research interests include urban policies and governance, urban resilience, urban informality, urban shrinkage. More recent researches have focused on territorial crisies and peripheralisations processes. His work was featured on national and international journals including Urban Geography, Urban Studies, Geografiska Annales, European Planning Studies, Progress in Planning, Journal of Urban Sustainable Development. He has had research and teaching appointments as well as visiting scholarship at several institutions including Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Cleveland State University, Università di Roma 3, Università della Svizzera Italia, University of Cà Foscari of Venice, Gran Sasso Science Insititute in L'Aquila, Center for social studies in Coimbra and the Mistra center at the University of Goteborg.