Third-party funded project

Unlikely Climate Pioneers: Local Governments’ Net Zero Actions in Left Behind Places in the UK and Germany

Research department: Politics and Planning

Project Team: Dr. Wolfgang Haupt

Funding Organization: British Academy | Leverhulme Small Research Grant

Duration: 09/2024 - 08/2026

Liverpool (c) Sina Shahab
PV plant (c) Peter Eckersley
Liverpool (c) Sina Shahab
PV plant (c) Peter Eckersley

Local governments are known to play an increasingly central role in climate change governance. The research of local climate responses has, however, been dominated by studies on larger and/or internationally prominent cities, while neglecting smaller and less-resourceful local governments, particularly those responsible for running structurally disadvantaged and ‘left behind’ places. This project will address this gap through a study of disadvantaged local council areas in the UK and Germany. The research particularly aims at: (a) identifying ‘unlikely pioneers’ in such left behind places that are leading the way in net zero actions; (b) assessing key factors that explain their leadership; (c) comparing these factors across the two nations. The strategies and initiatives of such places are expected to be more widely applicable than those operating under privileged conditions. This knowledge will be shared widely to encourage local practices to go beyond business as usual.