Third-party funded project

Study on Municipial Promotion of Volunteering

Research department: Economy and Civil Society

Project Leader within IRS: Dr. Ralph Richter

Consortium: Neuland 21 e.V. (Coordination) Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space

Funding Organization: German Foundation for Engagement and Volunteering

Duration: 01/2024 - 12/2024

The study on municipial approaches to promoting civic volunteering was commissioned by the German Foundation for Engagement and Volunteering (DSEE) and is being developed by the IRS together with the think tank neuland21. By late summer 2024, the study will use a Germany-wide survey to reveal municipal strategies for promoting volunteering. A full survey of all 10,789 municipalities in Germany is planned. In addition to mapping, the aims of the study are to create types of municipal volunteering promotion and to uncover empirical correlations. For example, the relationships between the type and scope of municipal engagement promotion and the local engagement rate are to be examined. The commission includes the production of a study volume and various transfer activities. Ralph Richter is involved in the study project on behalf of the IRS.


Richter, R. (2025, Feb 1). Kommunale Engagementförderung: Eine bundesweite Untersuchung kommunaler Unterstützungsstrukturen für Engagement und Ehrenamt. Deutsche Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt.