Qualification project

French Offshore Campuses: Discourses, Strategies, Geographies

Research department: Economy and Civil Society

IRS Research Topic: Shared Knowledge - Locally and Over Distance

Project Leader within IRS: Alice Bobée

Funding Organization: Leibniz Association

Duration: 06/2018 - 03/2025


The PhD project contributes to critically interrogate how the socio-spatial dynamics of global higher education markets are established, maintained and (de)stabilized. Through the empirical case study of French offshore campuses and a cultural-economic geographical approach, the research investigates: a) what discourses and strategies support the development of French offshore campuses b) what geographies are (re)produced by these strategies and c) for whom are these strategies made? The three publications of the cumulative PhD address the entanglements between the geographies of French offshore campuses, global assymetries, and imaginaries, particularly with regard to the geographies of international student mobilities and the reputational geographies of higher education.

The dissertation project is supervised by Dr. Jana Kleibert at the Geography department at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.


Kleibert, J. M., Rottleb, T., Schulze, M., & Bobée, A. (2021, Jun 10). Strategy First: Ten Questions to Answer before Starting an International Campus. Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space. https://leibniz-irs.de/fileadmin/user_upload/IRS_Dialog_Transferpublikationen/IRS_Dialog_Policy_Paper_2-2021.pdf
Kleibert, J. M., Schulze, M., Rottleb, T., & Bobée, A. (2023). (Trans-)Regional Embeddedness and the Resilience of Offshore Campuses. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 10(1), 23-32. https://doi.org/10.1080/21681376.2022.2157323
Kleibert, J. M., Bobée, A., Rottleb, T., & Schulze, M. (2020). Global Geographies of Offshore Campuses. Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung. http://hdl.handle.net/10419/223315
Bobée, A., & Kleibert, J. M. (2023). Choose France! Containment, Circulation and Postcolonial (Dis)Continuities in Transnational Education. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 21(4), 575-587. https://doi.org/10.1080/14767724.2022.2075329
Kleibert, J. M., Bobée, A., Rottleb, T., & Schulze, M. (2021). Transnational Education Zones: Towards an Urban Political Economy of ‘Education Cities’. Urban Studies, 58(14), 2845-2862. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020962418