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Association of German Architects (BdA)

The Association of German Architects (BdA), established in 1952 and dissolved in late 1990, was the professional association of GDR architects, landscape architects, urban planners and so forth. BdA members were organised according to districts, counties and by vocation. BdA documents held by the Scientific Collections predominantly date from the 1970s and 1980s. An additional and significantly larger collection of BdA documents is held by the German Federal Archives in Berlin (and is the property of the Foundation Archives of Parties and Mass Organisations of the GDR in the Federal Archives).
BdA documents held by the IRS are divided into written documents from the BdA President and Head Office (Collection B_1), and a member catalogue comprising approximately 7,000 membership applications (Collection B_2). Access to the catalogue is restricted to ensure data protection. Portrait photographs of and biographical data on over 1,700 BdA members can be searched and accessed using the Portal DigiPortA.