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Global Production Networks and Regional Development: Implications for Smart Specialisation
Berlin Economic Geography Lecture with Prof. Dr. Henry Wai-chung Yeung, National University of Singapore

Henry W.-C. Yeung is Distinguished Professor of Economic Geography at the National University of Singapore (NUS). The lecture addresses one of the most urgent issues in the current phase in the globalization of economic activity: How can regions generate value and participate in value generating processes? According the the approach pursued by Henry Yeung and Neil Coe in their latest book, regions can best develop if companies located in them manage to engage with global production networks. This aspect of "strategic coupling" should also be considered in strategies of "smart specialization" which are currently discussed prominently in Europe.
The Berlin Economic Geography Lecture is organized jointly by researchers of the department "Dynamics of Economic Spaces" at IRS and the Chair of Economic Geography at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The event is open and participation is free of charge. External participants are asked to register by email: