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IRS Passes New Mission Statement

Researching the connection between social change and spatial transformation - that is the mission of the IRS. In the future, the Institute will increasingly focus on disruptive forms of change, on crises, conflicts, technological and economic upheavals, because these increasingly shape the actions of social actors.
Since June 2021, the IRS has had a mission statement for the first time, which on the one hand sums up the Institute's research agenda, but on the other hand also contains a vision for the future and practical guidelines for the actions of all employees on the way there. The development process of the mission statement began in autumn 2019 and is part of an overarching strategy process with which the Institute is positioning itself for the future. It encompasses all fields of activity of the IRS, from research and knowledge transfer to personnel matters, organisation and digital administration, as well as the question of how the Institute's work can be made more sustainable.
In its mission statement, the IRS formulates the claim to combine excellent research with an energetic transfer of knowledge into practice, politics and civil society, in the interest of reducing socio-spatial inequalities and a sustainable development of cities, villages and regions.