
24. September 2024 | Selected publication
Special Issue on Social Innovation in Rural Development

Great hopes are pinned on social innovations in rural development. However, many expected impacts are insufficiently underpinned by methodology and conceptualisation. A special issue published by researchers from the IRS has now been published in the journal "Societies", which addresses current research gaps. more info

14. August 2024 | News
Looking Back on the 2024 IRS Spring Academy
06. August 2024
Article on Sequence Analysis in Research on Spatial Development
29. March 2024 | Selected publication
Paper on German University Campuses Abroad

German universities are less active in setting up campuses abroad compared to British or French universities, for example. However, some German universities are still expanding internationally and risk reproducing a neoliberal logic of educational commercialization. An article in the journal "Compare" highlights the correlations. more info

20. March 2024 | News

Leibniz Labs are a new tool of research organization. Their aim is to bring together the wide-ranging knowledge of the participating Leibniz Institutes in order to contribute jointly to the solution of pressing social problems and to make this knowledge accessible to a wide range of target groups. As part of the first funding round, the Leibniz Association has now selected three labs for funding. The IRS is participating in a lab that investigates how society deals with unexpected, fundamental upheavals. more info

04. March 2024 | News

Remote work, in other words working across physical distances, is no longer a niche phenomenon, rather a broad trend with many different forms. It is an expression of far-reaching social transformations. A new European research network aims to understand these transformation processes and make them accessible for policy-making. IRS is involved in the network. more info

Foto: David Ausserhofer
05. February 2024
Results of the REPOD project presented in Berlin
