Third-party funded project

Research Network on Energy Transitions: Bridging Disciplines to Address Core Challenges to Germany's Energiewende (ReNEW)

IRS Research Topic: Forms and Implications of Spatial Governance Spatial Path Development and Institutional Change

Project Leader within IRS: Dr. Ludger Gailing

Project Team: Dr. Timmo Nils Krüger

Consortium: Social Science Research Center Berlin (Coordination) Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology

Funding Organization: Leibniz Association

Duration: 01/2017 - 06/2020


The ReNEW project is funded by the Leibniz Association whose funding line "strategic networks" is designed to support research networks such as Leibniz Research Alliances. The purpose of the ReNEW project within the Leibniz Research Alliance "Energy Transitions" (LVE) is to systematize, advance and disseminate knowledge on three core challenges that are currently confronting the Energiewende: centralized versus decentralized systems, public versus private interests, and global versus local effects. It is designed to tackle interdisciplinary research on these core challenges and facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration so as to become a source of inspiration and guidance for energy research and policy. Moreover, ReNEW aims to train postdoctoral scientists in relevant research skills. The IRS will support the ReNEW project with the coordination of a working group that designs and submits research proposals on public and private interests.


A new special issue of the journal “Innovation” guest-edited by Timmo Krüger (IRS) and Victoria Pellicer-Sifres (Universitat Politècnica de València) addresses power and conflict in societal responses to ecologic crises, particularly in efforts to transform energy systems, as well as approaches to study said responses. Ironically, given the remit of their publication outlet, the editors make clear from the outset that they believe innovation, more precisely social innovation, is not a concept that helps in understanding or advancing the necessary social and ecological transformations. Instead they point at alternative economic logics, such as degrowth, which do not promise alternative paths towards modernization and development, but rather alternatives to modernisation. The collection of eight articles emerged from encounters fostered by the Leibniz Research Alliance on Energy Transitions, and reflects the growing interest of transformation research, carried out at the IRS and elsewhere, in the idea of degrowth or postgrowth economies. more info


Krüger, T., Eichenauer, E., & Gailing, L. (Eds.) (2022). Just Energy Futures. (Futures, Special Issue). Elsevier.
Krüger, T. (2022). The German Energy Transition and the Eroding Consensus on Ecological Modernization: A Radical Democratic Perspective on Conflicts over Competing Justice Claims and Energy Visions. Futures, 136, [102899].