Qualification project

Collaborative Workspaces with Social Enterprises and their Places in the Local and Trans-Local Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Comparison between Germany and Austria

Research department: Economy and Civil Society

IRS Research Topic: New Social Practices

Project Leader within IRS: Chen Gao

Funding Organization: European Union

Duration: 03/2022 - 12/2024

The project investigates collaborative workspaces with social enterprises and their places in the local and trans-local entrepreneurial ecosystems. The study concentrates on the social entrepreneurship that happens in collaborative workspaces and employs the entrepreneurial ecosystem concept to understand the entrepreneurship process. Through biographies of social enterprises, the temporal dimension of entrepreneurship are revealed. The trans-locality of the entrepreneurial resources is highlighted. The project focuses on rural and peripheral areas from Germany and Austria in a comparative perspective. The research is undertaken within the framework of the Marie Sklodowska Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) CORAL. The dissertation is supervised by Prof Dr Suntje Schmidt and is affiliated with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The cumulative dissertation is in its final phase in 2024.

Special Issue on Social Innovation in Rural Development

Great hopes are pinned on social innovations in rural development. However, many expected impacts are insufficiently underpinned by methodology and conceptualisation. A special issue published by researchers from the IRS has now been published in the journal "Societies", which addresses current research gaps. more info