Paul Treffenfeldt
Research Associate | Contemporary History and Archive

Paul Treffenfeldt is a research assistant in the Research Area "Contemporary History and Archives" since March 2024. He previously studied history at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and in the master's programme in history with a focus on contemporary history at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. During his studies, he worked as a student assistant on various projects and at various chairs in Mainz and Berlin. In his Master's thesis, he analysed the relationship between low pay and in-work poverty in Germany after 1990 from the perspective of the history of knowledge. His main areas of interest are economic and knowledge history issues in recent contemporary history. He is currently preparing a dissertation on the history of statistics in Germany.

Selected Publications by Year

Treffenfeldt, P. (2024, May 18). Tagber. 18 Werkstattgespräch zur DDR Planungsgeschichte.
Treffenfeldt, P. (2024, Mar 2). Tagungsbericht "Lobbyismus und parlamentarische Demokratie. Praktiken und Diskurse im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert".
Treffenfeldt, P., & Holzhauser, T. (2023). Demokratisierung durch Wahlausschluss? Die Debatte um das Wahlrecht von NS-Belasteten im Parlamentarischen Rat. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 71(2), 351-369.

Selected Publications by Type

Journal Article
Treffenfeldt, P., & Holzhauser, T. (2023). Demokratisierung durch Wahlausschluss? Die Debatte um das Wahlrecht von NS-Belasteten im Parlamentarischen Rat. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 71(2), 351-369.
Contribution to Forum or Blog
Treffenfeldt, P. (2024, May 18). Tagber. 18 Werkstattgespräch zur DDR Planungsgeschichte.
Treffenfeldt, P. (2024, Mar 2). Tagungsbericht "Lobbyismus und parlamentarische Demokratie. Praktiken und Diskurse im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert".


Employment at any price? Knowledge production on low-wage work and in-work poverty in Germany (1997-2010)

The cost of labour in historical perspective. Social protection, taxation and labour market(s)

Scuola normale superiore, Pisa, Italy