Maren Francke
Research Associate | Contemporary History and Archive

Maren Francke joined the MFDI4Memory project "Geodaten als Sozialdaten? Ein experimentelles Projekt zum Einsatz von Drohnen und Deep Mapping in der Zeitgeschichte" as a research associate in April 2024. 

She studied history and German philology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Károli Gáspár University Budapest. As part of the research network "Legacies of Communism? Post‐Communist Europe from Stagnation to Reform, between Autocracy and Revolution" at Leibniz-Centre for Contemporary History she also works on her dissertation on Hungary's transformation from late to post-socialism.


Selected Publications by Year

Francke, M. (2023). Elitennetzwerke in der jungen ungarischen Demokratie: Umgang mit Restitutionsfragen am Beispiel des István-Bibó-Kollegiums. Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 71(4), 579-615.
Francke, M. (2023). Maren Francke, Rezension zu: Horváth, Sándor: Children of Communism. Politicizing Youth Revolt in Communist Budapest in the 1960s. Bloomington 2022. H-Soz-u-Kult.
Francke, M. (Composer), Kuhr-Korolev, C. (Composer), Chernii, K. (Composer), & Schleinitz, T. (Producer). (2021). Das Erbe des Kommunismus. Kontinuität und Wandel nach 1989/91. Podcast des Leibniz-Zentrums für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam. Digital or Visual Products

Selected Publications by Type

Journal Article
Francke, M. (2023). Elitennetzwerke in der jungen ungarischen Demokratie: Umgang mit Restitutionsfragen am Beispiel des István-Bibó-Kollegiums. Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 71(4), 579-615.
Digital or Visual Products
Francke, M. (Composer), Kuhr-Korolev, C. (Composer), Chernii, K. (Composer), & Schleinitz, T. (Producer). (2021). Das Erbe des Kommunismus. Kontinuität und Wandel nach 1989/91. Podcast des Leibniz-Zentrums für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam. Digital or Visual Products
Review in Journal
Francke, M. (2023). Maren Francke, Rezension zu: Horváth, Sándor: Children of Communism. Politicizing Youth Revolt in Communist Budapest in the 1960s. Bloomington 2022. H-Soz-u-Kult.


Legacies of Transition as Reflected in Hungary's Fidesz Party


Coping with the Regime Change: Institutionalization Efforts in the Hungarian University Colleges Movement

Agency versus/with Structure: On the question of how transformation is enacted


Maren Francke in the Media

Research Cutting-Edge
(ZEIT Online, 08/15/2024)