Gregor Prinzensing
Executive Assistant to the Management Board | Management Board

Gregor Prinzensing has been working at the IRS since 2002. Initially, he was responsible for science management for three years. From 2005 to 2012, he was in charge of press and public relations for the Institute. From 2013 to 2022, he worked on various special tasks as project manager of the administration. Since 1.1.2023, he is entrusted by the Executive Board with, among other things, the Institute's reporting and research planning.

He was elected as a member of the works council since 2010 and currently acts as its deputy chairman. 

Portrait: © IRS

Selected Publications by Year

Goeritz, M., Prinzensing, G., & Steglich, P. (2024). Strengthening Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) in the Institutes of the Leibniz Association. Poster session presented at Emerging Trends for International Collaboration in the CRIS Domain, Wien, Austria.

Selected Publications by Type

Goeritz, M., Prinzensing, G., & Steglich, P. (2024). Strengthening Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) in the Institutes of the Leibniz Association. Poster session presented at Emerging Trends for International Collaboration in the CRIS Domain, Wien, Austria.