Pia Kleine
Associated Doctoral Student | Contemporary History and Archive

Since December 2023, Pia Kleine has been an associate PhD student in the Research Area “Contemporary History and Archives”. Her PhD thesis “Vergangene Zukunftsstädte? Großwohnsiedlungen als Erfahrungsräume seit den 1980er Jahren“ ("Past Cities of the Future? Large Housing Estates as Spaces of Experience since the 1980s") is supervised by Prof. Kerstin Brückweh and Prof. Eva Maria Froschauer as part of a cooperative doctoral programme  between the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) and the Berlin University of Applied Sciences. This work expands the planning and building history perspective of the research focus to include a history of the experience of large housing estates. The focus of interest is on the case studies of Wolfsburg and Magdeburg and thus on a German-German comparative and entangled history from the 1980s to the mid-2000s.

Previously, Pia Kleine studied History and Sociology at the University of Münster with an Erasmus semester at the Vrije University Amsterdam and then History with a focus on Contemporary History at the Humboldt University in Berlin. She worked as a research assistant in the research projects "The Long History of the 'Wende'" at the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History in Potsdam and "Social Data as Sources of Contemporary History" at the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education.